Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Computer Issues

Computers.  You can't live with 'em.  You can't live without 'em.  As I said before my computer has been on the fritz lately.  Actually, it died a sad slow death.  Luckily, Daniel and I got a iPad for Christmas.  So I have been using that for most of my, eh hem, research. :) Unfortunately iPad doesn't like blogger. :( 

About a month ago, Daniel tried to "update" my Macbook Pro.  It crashed.  Just wouldn't boot up.  When it did boot up, it didn't work.  Luckily I had most everything backed up on an external hard drive, which I highly recommend doing if you have not.  Getting into nursing school this Fall means I absolutely NEED a computer.  Also my photo editing software has to be on a computer, so it was inevitable...the computer had to be fixed.  The quote to fix it was around $700 (YIKES!) and after thinking about it for a while we decided just to go ahead and get a new one (DOUBLE YIKES!).  In computer years, it was just too old to fix for that much money, so we ordered a new one.  

Well, it came yesterday!  Thanks to my neighbor Jacky who said I could have it delivered to her house and graciously held it there until I got home from work.  Great neighbors are such a blessing!  Macbook Pro's have come a long way since I got my first one.  It's so cute and lightweight.  My old one was a 17in.  This one is a 15in., which is the perfect size!  And after we figured out how to get all my files off my external hard drive, I was back in business!  I can't wait to get my editing software on here so that I can edit some pictures that have been sitting on my camera for weeks! After I do that, I will put lots of pictures on here and update everyone on whats been going on with us. 

Here it is! So exciting!

Oh guess what, my old computer started working again last night.  It only working about 50% of the time, but still, how frustrating is that?!? 

I never thought I'd see the day that Daniel and I were both on Macs at the same time.  He's a PC guy, but I still love him. 

Have a wonderful week!  I'll be back after the little's brother's BIG wedding weekend!


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