Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Turn

You'll have to forgive me for not writing sooner. My computer is on the fritz...again.
I'm sure by now everyone has heard my big news but I felt the need to update the blog about it.

On Wednesday, April 4 I was accepted into the nursing program at Chattanooga State!

It's been a long time coming; an answered prayer.
I have known I wanted to go into the nursing field for many, many years now. I've just never really been able to get myself there. Through the process of getting serious about going back to school to make this happen, many things have happened in my life. All of which have pushed me forward toward my goal. But, last year when a fluke mistake made the difference between acceptance and denial I truly had to re-evaluate things. You see, at that moment I couldn't dream of having to wait an entire year longer to get in. What was I possibly supposed to do with my life? Is this truly what I'm supposed to be doing?? Waiting for another year to what, be rejected again? Is this the path God wants for me? I've worked so hard to get to this point. What is He trying to tell me, anyway?

To wait, Olivia. It's not time yet.

Easy to see now, right? I was so blinded by the numbness of even thinking I'd have to give up this dream, that's all I could do. Wait. Sure, I knew God has a plan for me. I've been hearing people say it all my life, but that theory has never been tested like it was in 2011.

Fast forward 1 year and 2 days. Mail watch 2012 had begun. I called the nursing department to make sure they had received my re-application and that they had my correct testing scores recorded in their system, as I would not make a terrible mistake twice. I may have stalked our mail lady, had neighbors constantly checking for any signs of flag raising or lowering, and otherwise was a complete wreck as I impatiently waited.
Wednesday I had gone to the gym, and then met Daniel for lunch. He had taken the day off work to study for his final exam. I knew I would miss the mail lady by at least 15 minutes (yes I had it timed that well) and practically flew home in June Carter Cash the Jeep, leaving Daniel in the dust. I couldn't even wait to pull in the garage and walk to the mailbox so I pulled over and jumped out of the car to fling the little door open. There. It. Was. All by itself sitting there as if the Lord placed it there himself. You know in cartoons when the angels sing and some crazy holy light starts shining? That's totally what happened. In my mind. By this time Daniel had caught up with my far superior driving and pulled up beside me. I tore open the envelope, threw it in his face and tried to wrap my mind around what I was seeing on the page. It looked so different from my past letters. What did it say? Read the first line, I told myself...I GOT IN! I just started jumping up and down as Daniel got out of the car and when he hugged me and said, "You so deserve this," that's when the tears came. Tears of joy, of sheer relief. This is what I'm supposed to do. Then my sweet husband took me into the garage where he had been saving a special package that had come a little over a year ago when we were both so sure I was getting in. I opened the sweetest and most thoughtful gift, a lavender purple stethoscope with my name engraved on it. Perfection.

My God has a plan for me. It was a hard lesson to learn but I'm truly better for it. I never thought I would be this excited to go to school. I know I have a long way to go. I know that there will be days that I might hate it, but I can't wait to start the process of furthering my life though the abilities that He's given me.

Psalm 13: 5-6
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing the Lord's praise, for He has been good to me

Here I am teary-eyed and just purely full of joy with my purple stethoscope.



  1. So sweet :) Very proud and happy for you! Your precious husband is right...you totally deserve this!! Love you Livvy!!
