Sunday, October 3, 2010


I have seen a few blogs do a weekly entry about what they have been loving. I thought it was a great idea, although I probably will not get around to doing one every single week. I am excited about taking some time to focus on what I'm loving, instead of worrying about the little mundane day to day things that you don't necessarily love in life. As you probably know, those thoughts can really drag you down, so it's nice to focus on the positive.

1. Personalized Canvases.
I couldn't wait to show everyone this canvas that I did for a family member who is having a baby next month. I stole borrowed this idea from a friend who, after asking to buy one from her, said it was easy and I could do it myself! And it really was. I taped everything off to paint the boarder and just made sure to measure accurately. For the dots, I used a pouncer and then went back over them with a paint brush. The hardest part was free-handing the words and making sure the spacing was ok.

I have always loved this little quote and wanted to use it somewhere. So, this was a perfect opportunity. All in all I was really happy with the way it turned out and can't wait to start my next one!

2. Pumpkin Spice Latte.
I think I've already had 3 of them and it just got cold this weekend.
Who doesn't love these???

3. My sweet Daddy was inducted as an elder at his church today.
When I first heard he was being considered I thought, "my dad isn't old..." haha. There were other men, including my uncle, who were inducted along with him that are around his age as well. Of course, I know there isn't a "too young to ride" sign anywhere. I am so happy for him and the church that he will be shepherding. Love him!

Congratulations Daddy!!!

Oh, and did I mention my sweet hubbs?? I'm loving him too...

That's all for now! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!



  1. I also LOVE anything starbucks, but especially pumpkin spice lattes this time of year! Your canvas is so adorable and looks perfect! Great job Livvy Lynn :) I love reading your blog!

  2. Livvy that canvas is too cute! What are the chances that you would think about making one of those for Miss Catie Grace? :)
