Sunday, August 28, 2011

so long sweet summer

August has been such a blur! I have been working like crazy and Daniel is gearing up for another semester of nursing school. Only two more left! Way to go babe! The beginning of the end of summer always starts with Daniel's birthday. He is a pretty low key guy, so we just went out to eat with the family and had them over for cake and ice cream. It was so nice to have everyone together, except my brother who spent the last half of the summer in Kenya.

One thing Daniel and I love about warm weather is driving around with the windows down seeing the beautiful land that surrounds where we live. One weekend we found a horse farm we had never seen before. As we pulled up, the horses came right up to us. We could tell they were very sweet animals.

Of course we had Kiwi in tow. I can't say she was as excited as we were to see the friendly horses. She thought she was big stuff (all safe in the car) and barked her wee little head off at them until she scared them off...or we drove away, I forget.

Beautiful farmland thrives in Soddy Daisy. Seeing places like this makes me want to own land one day. Although there is no way I would ever mow that much grass. Ok you caught me, I have never mowed a blade of grass in my life.

Now that summer is ending I have finally gotten my little garden to produce regularly. We eat about as much as we give away, which is just fine with me. I have found the secret to remembering to water it: I have to do it right after I get home from work. No sitting down and getting comfy. I have found it is a very relaxing way to wind down and have some time to think about the day. My mums (which I thought were dead as a door nail and I transplanted from the front to the side of our house on a whim of hope) have even started to bloom! Eee! Just thinking of fall makes me excited!

Had to put one more of our Kiwi posing in the evening August sunlight.

Although I love the summer sun, I am so looking forward to fall creeping its way in over the next few months. Pumpkins, football, warm harvest colors, that cool nip in the air, and of course, pumpkin spice lattes!! But, is there any way winter could hold off for another year or two?

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